Hey guys I hope everyone is well yo'!
I'm here to share my new launch trailer for my series A!M that I am releasing next weekend! I think its pretty damn spiffy check it out.
It took a lot of time to revamp this series I made back when I was in high school, so be sure to comment, subscribe, share, like, rape... What ever people are calling support now a days (lol).
On a side note whats up with Newgrounds delete system btw .___. I have had content that I wanted to delete for a while now but the new layout doesn't seem like it gives a fuck lawl. I hope a Mod fixes it soon.
Lastly I was planning on uploading this to good ole NG but I cant seem to figure out a great way to embed a video into a swf. I've noticed that alot of great submissions have been able to such as "The Reward" (SunCreatureStudio's) and "LUCKY DAY FOREVER" (Sarkazm's) any help with that will be awesome.
Well alright I guess that is it for this post. I'd like to thank JacobCadmus for lending me a hand with his musical talents, anyone who actually read all this shit, and espically those who spread the word of the series just by people clicking the "share" button that helps me immensely.